
BioSyst EU represents European scientists dealing with topics of systematic biology. It considers itself as a collaborative counterpart to the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF, where European natural history institutions have joined). In BioSyst EU individual scientists are represented via their national or regional societies.


BioSyst EU aims to provide a European platform to:

  • hold joint meetings on a regular basis;
  • promote research, teaching, and training in all areas of systematic biology, including phylogenetic, taxonomic, and biodiversity research;
  • encourage collaboration and interchange among researchers, both individually and through their respective societies and institutions;
  • coordinate national and international efforts without infringing on the autonomy of the member societies;
  • encourage formation of additional national systematic societies, while continuing to represent systematists in countries still lacking formal societies;
  • increase the profile and funding of systematic biology in the European parliament.

Member societies

Society for Biological Systematics (Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, GfBS)


As observer: Italy (Sandro Minelli)  
As observer: Netherlands (Eric Smets) 

BioSyst EU History

On the very first joint European conference in Leiden on 14 August 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU, pdf file) was signed, regulating the collaboration of the national societies.

See all of our conferences, that have taken place so far.